Radically Resilient Health
Welcome to Radically Resilient Health with Dr. Carolyn Dolan. After guiding herself and her family to better health, Dr. Dolan began coaching her physical therapy patients on nutrition to support their pain management in lieu of the anti-inflammatories, over-the-counter drugs, and opioids they were using. When their chronic pain issues improved and even resolved, she dedicated herself to understanding the science behind the benefits of nutritional intervention. Seven years, a master’s degree in nutrition, and a book later, Dr. Dolan launched VitaKinetics. Radically Resilient Health dives deep into her research and highlights the tenets of her lifestyle program: Eat well, Move Well, Sleep Well, Connect Well, Supplement Well. | Dr. Carolyn Dolan, DPT, Cert MDT, MSHN has he Doctorate in Physical Therapy. She is Certified for Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment and has her Masters in Science of Holistic Nutrition.
Radically Resilient Health
The Gut Brain Connection | Part 3 | Sleep and Food
Carolyn Dolan
Season 1
Episode 7
Sleep & the gut-brain connection. Does the gut-brain connection also have an effect on one's sleep patterns? In this episode, Dr. Dolan continues part 3 of her series on the Gut-Brain Connection. Sleep is a critical component to overall health and a sense of well-being. Whenever possible, sleeping anywhere from 7-10 hours a night, depending on your age and activity level. When sleep patterns are disrupted it causes increased pain in the body. Dr. Dolan shares her research on what foods can help improve sleep patterns and how things like alcohol and processed food affect those sleep patterns. What are ways to improve sleep patterns without relying on sleep aids? What happens to sleep patterns when opioids are consumed?